Friday, May 23, 2014


 This is my CubeeCraft Person. Her name is Aveline De Grandpre. She is one of the assassins in Assassin Creed. The triangle part is a add-on. It is suppose to be apart of her hat. I think everyone should make a CubeeCraft. It is a very fun thing to make and build. Or you can go to to find CubeeCrafts of you favorite character.  I made this by taking details from the original character and putting it on the cubeecraft template. Then I worked on it in photoshop., I really like this project.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


 For this project it was going to be like Wordle, but we couldn't do that on our computers so we just decided to choose quotes that we like and make it stand out or tweak the to make it look cool. We use Adobe Illustrator to create this project. I would suggest this to people on instagram because a lot of people on ig like to post quotes, now they can make it look cool.


This is a logo we had to make of ourselves. I wanted to show that i was a local girl so I draw the first letter of my name in graffiti. Then put tribal in it and put it on a surfboard riding a wave. This project was really fun, for me at least. I recommend others to make it to tell a little bit about yourself.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Propaganda Poster

This project was the most one I had to work hard at. This is the propaganda poster was created Shepard Fairey. We had to resemble the Obama "Hope" poster. It looks really cool. We had to take a picture of our self and cut our self out of the picture. We adjusted the threshold, chose the colors we wanted for each layer, and clean up which is smoothing out the edges. We worked on the pattern and the words we wanted to show. It looks cool and if you can you should try this project.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

House Banner

This is another project we did in Tech Ed. It is called the house banner. We had to make a banner that represents us. We used the polygonal lasso tool, copy and pasting images from he Internet, and the custom shape tool for the music notes. I also used the rectangular marquee tool for the background. I like this project because we got to do anything to our banner. It also looked pretty cool.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Natgeo Cover

   This is an assignment called Darwinstein poster that we did in Graphic Design (a.k.a. Tech Ed). Darwin believed that organisms evolved through time. These organisms developed changes with different kinds of traits. Which than passed on through their offspring. Dr.Frankenstein made a monster from different parts of people. So this project is i took parts from different animals and combined them to make a monster. They evolved there different trait to protect them self like the wings to fly away from predators, horns to fight with, sharp teeth to rip through their prey, and a snake head to fight with venom. 
   I made this poster by getting pictures from the Internet and cutting out parts on photoshop that I wanted to put on my animal. I used things like the clone stamp tool to blend it in to make it look like it it connected. The polygonal lasso tool to cut out the parts. Then i used the magic wand tool to make highlight the broader and tittle and copy it. 
   I think this looks cool what do you think?